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Director's Corner

Emmy's Friday Update

For Sunday July 7th

A flaming chalice - symbol of UUSE

Greetings CYM Families & Friends!

I hope folks were able to enjoy yesterday’s holiday in whatever way renews the spirit.  We went to a pool party and cookout with a personal fireworks show.  It was our kick-off to vacation mode as we prepare to head to Ferry Beach UU Conference Center in Saco, Maine tomorrow!  My family is looking forward to a week of faith community and family time on the beach.  I am taking a workshop on Faith Development while my children attend their own programming every morning next week.  In my workshop, religious educators and other leaders will explore the idea of a counter-cultural narrative of Faith Development which knits together all of these areas of the congregation into a holistic view of multicultural transformation. Participants will:

  • Gain a view of Faith Development that is central to the congregation's work and weaves together all of the primary ministries of a religious body;

  • Develop a method for dismantling white supremacy culture within their congregation and in the world through the content and method of Lifespan Faith Development within their congregations;

  • Envision a model for "What's Next" in our work of dismantling white supremacy culture that leaves participants feeling empowered to move forward with the work; and

  • Take away a collection of stories that both forms a multicultural narrative for our faith journey and communicates our UU values.

I’m really excited to collaborate with colleagues and reconnect with families we haven’t seen since our last stay 5 years ago!  And I can’t wait to incorporate what I’ll learn into next year’s ministry.

2024-2025 Children & Youth Ministry Program Details

Don’t forget to register your child(ren) for next year’s CYM program here!

We are so excited for next year’s offerings!  Plans are still being fine tuned, but new this Fall will be a middle school curriculum focusing on Anti-racism and the importance of social justice.  Similar to our OWL program which teaches children about physical and mental health, as well as relationship and life skills, we envision a curriculum focused on teaching anti-racism/anti-oppression as a regular offering and staple in our Children & Youth Ministry program moving forward.  There are several anti-racism curricula being piloted at UU congregations across the country right now, and we look forward to being part of this exploratory phase and learning as we go.  More details about this offering will be shared this summer.

Also new this year, elementary age students will embark on a journey of learning about the diverse religious and spiritual beliefs and practices of people here in our country, as well as around the world.  A contemporary take on previously offered curricula such as “Picture Book World Religions” and “Holidays and Holy Days,” alongside some brand new material, will combine beloved lessons with attention to avoid cultural appropriation and of course use the participant’s developmental stage as our guide.  Children will create their own “sacred text” over the course of the program year, as they document what they learn in each class through story, hands-on projects, time outdoors and special guests!  I am really excited for this one as well.

In addition to these two new offerings, we will continue to offer our nursery classroom, Spirit Play for preschool and Kindergarteners, High School Youth Group, and Junior Youth Group.

You’ll notice that the registration link has some new volunteer options this year, as we work on ways to get families immersed in congregational life.  As renowned UU religious educator Connie Goodbread puts it: ““Faith development is all we do. Unitarian Universalism is the faith we teach. The congregation is the curriculum.”

Here’s what’s happening in CYM Sunday, July 7, 2024:

Nursery: Childcare will be available in our nursery at 10 AM for children age 3 and under.  

Sunday Service: “The Many Faces of Truth”  Guest presenter Peggy Web will explore the differences between deeply held beliefs and the truth(s) that surround them; we will ponder the issue of why my truth may be different from yours. The service is at 10 am; you can attend at the meeting house or on Zoom. Visit to sign up to get the Zoom link.

A Look Ahead: CYM Summer Programming: CYM will offer a relaxed summer schedule of activities for children and you of all ages on the following dates:

July 14: Birdhouses! with Lynn Dove

+ Monthly CYM Family Potluck after service (open to whole congregation!)

July 28: UU mosaic art! with Nancy Madar

August 11: TBA

+ Monthly CYM Family Potluck after service (open to whole congregation!)

August 25: TBA

Happy Summer!

With Love and Gratitude,

Emmy Galbraith

Cell: (860)576-7889

CYM Committee Members:

Desiree Holian-Borgnis, Chair

Michelle Spadaccini

Paula Baker

Sudha Sevins

Committee email:

Angela Attardo, CYM Program Assistant

Director of Children and Youth Ministry's Monthly Column for July

A flaming chalice - symbol of UUSE

A Children and Youth Ministry Message from Emmy Galbraith, DCYM

How do we define success? I ponder this question, a lot. Whether I’m thinking about parenting, life in general, or more recently the CYM program, I consider the measurement of success. At this stage in my life, I understand success to be defined by safety, comfort, and joy. Of course, material and financial logistics come into play when considering even these ideals. But it’s still helpful, and more satisfying, to plant those values firmly into the ground as my guideposts.

For the CYM program we have data like attendance sheets, a budget, registration info, and calendars. We don’t have a clear way to measure how safe and comfortable a child feels in CYM, or a joy-o-meter. But we hope and work earnestly towards these goals. My greatest hope is that every child feels free to be 100% themselves when they arrive in CYM. I hope it serves as a respite, a breath of easy air, with a feeling like, “I can just be myself at UUSE.”

As the children age and develop, I hope they feel rooted and secure to search for truth and meaning. I hope when tough times arise in their lives, UUSE is among the first places they know where support and concern are waiting. I hope that when the highlights happen, UUSErs are among the first people they want to share the great news with.

I hope that children who can’t possibly stand to sit in a seat for one more hour per week find fulfillment in CYM. And that those who love the structured and orderly are given the atmosphere that they need to thrive. I envision a place like home. Where the needs of all are honored, and the wheels of progress keep turning. Where we learn and teach how to truly get along and make a difference in the world. To discover our gifts. I hope they never have to wonder, “will they accept this about me?” And I hope they never stop asking questions.

“What is success? To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate the beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!” -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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