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Blog Posts (161)

  • "The Truth About Trust" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, March 30, 2025

    Gathering Music (Mary Bopp) Welcome, Announcements and Centering (Martha Larson) Prelude Chalice Lighting and Opening Words (by William F. Schulz) Come into this place of peace and let its silence heal your spirit; Come into this place of memory and let its history warm your soul; Come into this place of prophecy and power and let its vision change your heart Introduction to the Service (Stacey Musulin) Opening Hymn #131 "Love Will Guide Us" Words by Sally Rogers Music: Traditional, arr. by Betty A. Wylder Love will guide us, peace has tried us, hope inside us will lead the way on the road from greed to giving. Love will guide us through the hard night. If you cannot sing like angels, if you cannot speak before thousands, you can give from deep within you. You can change the world with your love. Love will guide us, peace has tried us, hope inside us will lead the way on the road from greed to giving. Love will guide us through the hard night. Time for All Ages "A Bike Like Sergio's" by Maribeth Boelts illustrated by Noah Z. Jones Musical Interlude Welcoming Visitors, Joys and Concerns Musical Interlude Prayer (by Rev. Marta I Valentin) ... Spirit of this World and Beyond we strive to keep conscious our interconnections, our interdependence, our trust in one another as human beings ... In truth and with compassion for we know that what we send out to the universe is what will return ... Offertory Sermon (Stacey Musulin) Closing Hymn #293 "O Star of Truth" Words: Minot Judson Savage Music: Finnish melody, adapt. by David Evans O star of truth, downshining through clouds of doubt and fear, I ask beneath thy guidance my pathway may appear; however long the journey, however hard it be, though I be lone and weary, lead on, I follow thee. I know thy blessed radiance can never lead astray, though ancient creed and custom may point another way; or through the untrod desert, or over trackless sea, though I be lone and weary, lead on, I follow thee. Extinguishing the Chalice and Closing Words Closing Circle May faith in the spirit of life And hope for the community of earth And love of the light in each other Be ours now, and in all the days to come.

  • Conversation on CT’s Fiscal Roadblocks w/ Speaker Ritter April 8

    A Conversation on CT's Fiscal Roadblocks with House Speaker Matt Ritter, joined by members of the Hartford Legislative Delegation A GHIAA and CT For All event to compel policy change on CT's path to passing a budget that invests in community needs. Tuesday, April 8, 6:00-7:30 pm Immanuel Congregational Church, 10 Woodland St., Hartford ASL & Spanish interpretation provided Please register here We are grateful for the collaboration between Immanuel Congregational Church, Asylum Hill Congregational Church, GHIAA, and CT for All in organizing this event

  • Emmy's Friday Update

    Greetings CYM Families & Friends! I’ve got some exciting plans for Spring and I’m bursting at the seams to share about it. Believe it or not, plans are already in the works for Summer and even Fall programming. But first, there is this glorious Spring! Check out the “Save the Date” section below and expect more details about each event to be featured in upcoming Friday updates. If you have specific or immediate question, or would like to get more involved with any of them, don’t hesitate to reach out! The graphic above is for an extra-credit UUSE outing with some additional details in the middle school class description of this update. See you Sunday! Here’s what else is happening in Children & Youth Ministry on Sunday, March 23, 2025: @11 AM Sunday Service: “Love Will Guide Us Through the Hard Night” - This Sunday morning, we welcome the Rev. Carolyn Patierno to our pulpit. Drawing on our Universalist spiritual heritage, Rev. Patierno will explore how we tap into the power of love to find resilience and hope. Coordinator: Josh Pawelek Children & Youth Ministry Groups: Children and Youth in 1st-8th grade will join their families in the Sanctuary for the beginning of worship Sunday. Students will be dismissed from the Sanctuary to the Garden Level for programming after a Time For All Ages. Nursery (Age 3 and under):   Childcare is available in our Nursery on the Garden Level at 11 AM for children  3 and under. Care is provided by two regular childcare staff including our Nursery Coordinator Molly, our Nursery Assistant Lilly. Our nursery staff have grown up at UUSE, and are equipped with loads of experience, patience, and creativity to keep our youngest UUs safe and engaged. Families are always welcome to tour and stay in the nursery at any time. Spirit Play (Pre-K/Kindergarten): “How Kindness Leads to Great Joy”  - Spirit Play children go directly to their classroom at 11 AM for the day’s lesson. This Buddhist tale teaches us that when we (re)act with kindness, kindness is returned a thousand-fold. When we act in kindness towards animals, we honor our 7th UU principle and value of interdependence. Spirituality & Religion (Grades 1-5):   “Spring Stories”  - Our students will continue to explore the themes and stories of Spring. We will work on Sacred Books and talk about our progress on end-of-year projects. Anti-Racism (Grades 6-8): “Makin Protest Art!”  - I purchased a couple new books about the history of protest art and symbolism for our CYM library. Our middle schoolers love to make their own protest art, so this week we will design and create our own posters to bring to the extra-credit family outing on April 5th at the state Capitol. April 5th is a Saturday, and is a protest organized by the CT chapter of the national 50501 movement, and I feel it is a safe and well organized event. We have already been discussing protest behavior, ethical obligations, expectations and the power of peaceful protest. We will continue that discussion, take a look at protest art dating back decades, and deciding what matters to us, our youth, our families, right now in this moment. And make some protest art! Final votes for our group t-shirt will be tallied as well before we place our order with a local black owned business. SAVE THE DATE!: TOMORROW Sat, March 22: CYM sponsored Game Night  open to all ages! In the Sanctuary @ 6PM. BYOD and favorite game, light refreshments will be served. RSVPs appreciated! Sun, March 23: UUSE Pagan Group ritual for Spring Equinox  - open to all! @ 1PM Sun, March 30: HSYG Thrift Shopping Outing  - meeting and leaving from UUSE @ 1PM Sat, Apr 5: UUSE attends a 50501 Protest at the Capitol building in Hartford at 3 PM. More details to come) Sun, Apr 13: Author event with UUSE’s Sam Taylor - mark your calendars! (More details to come) + High School Youth Group volunteer at Soup Kitchen Sat, Apr 19: UUSE attends Kamora’s Cultural Corner’s “Thinking and Doing Day: Take Back the Land.” Please visit to learn more about KCC, a new (to us) partner in guiding our children, youth, and families about community engagement at a grass-roots level. Register to attend this free event here: Feel free to reach out to me with any questions! Sun, Apr 20: Easter Egg Hunt between services, beginning at 10:30 in the Memorial Garden. Sat, May 3: May Fair at UUSE! 10AM-2PM Sun, May 18: Flower Communion Service & UUSE Annual Meeting Sun, May 25: NO CYM programming, Memorial Day Weekend Sun, Jun 1: Affirmation Sunday Service Sun, Jun 8: CYM Field Day and final ‘24-’25 CYM Stakeholder’s Meeting in the field Sun, Jun 15: CYM Sunday Service Sun, Jun 22: UUA General Assembly How Can You Help CYM? 1.) We need more volunteers in our Elementary and Middle School classrooms to finish out the year! They are a fun and engaged group of kiddos - please reach out to me to discuss details. With Love and Gratitude, Emmy Galbraith Cell: (860)576-7889 CYM Committee Members: Desiree Holian-Borgnis, Chair Michelle Spadaccini Paula Baker Sudha Sevin Rhona Cohen Committee email: Angela Attardo, CYM Program Assistant

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Other Pages (433)

  • Women's Sacred Singing Circle-

    < To Upcoming Services Apr 24, 2025 Women's Sacred Singing Circle- Every Thursday at 7 PM We sing songs and chants from a variety of traditions, including some written by women from circles around the country, including our own. All are about the earth, healing, spirit, and, of course, women. Come late, leave early, or stay the whole time. Come every week or off and on, when you choose. But come! We have so much fun each week, we want you to join us in the laughter, song and community! For more information visit Meetup. #AprilNewsletter Every Thursday at 7 PM We sing songs and chants from a variety of traditions, including some written by women from circles around the country, including our own. All are about the earth, healing, spirit, and, of course, women. Come late, leave early, or stay the whole time. Come every week or off and on, when you choose. But come! We have so much fun each week, we want you to join us in the laughter, song and community! For more information visit Meetup . #AprilNewsletter OOS Sermon YouTube

  • Intro to UU | UUSE

    Religious education is not just for kids. We have plenty of programs to keep adults busy too. Intro to UU The Intro to UU program is taught periodically by the minister. There's not one scheduled at the moment. Keep an eye on the Happenings section of the website to see when the next session might be coming.

  • Early Bird registration will be open until

    < Back < Latest eBlast eBlast Article < Previous Article Next Article > Early Bird registration will be open until Early Bird registration will be open until March 31, 2025 . UUA General Assembly (GA) will be held June 19-25, 2025 in Baltimore,, MD and will be in a hybrid format. General information about GA: General Assembly: The Unitarian Universalist Association's Premier Annual Gathering | Register for GA: General Assembly Registration | General Assembly | Delegate information: How Congregations Are Represented at General Assembly / Delegates | Tentative Business Agenda and Being a Delegate: Shape Our Future Together at GA 2025! UUSE is entitled to 8 delegates in 2025: 6 lay delegates plus the minister and CYM Director. For more information about being a delegate, please check out the links above and let Carrie Kocher - - know if you have any questions or are interested in serving as a delegate. #eBlast -03-26

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