Upcoming Services
Reminder: UUSE has a Low Scent Policy
Here's a list of upcoming services. Past services can be found here.
Desperate but disciplined - What if we let our hearts break for the world and started from there?
Sunday, February 9: Desperate but disciplined - What if we let our hearts break for the world and started from there? Join us in worship with guest speaker and climate activist Reverend Kendra Ford, an Organizer with 350 New Hampshire Action. Kendra served for over 20 years as the UU minister at First UU Society of Exeter. Coordinator: Kate Kimmerle
On Inclusion
Sunday, February 16: On Inclusion. Our February ministry theme is inclusion. Rev. Josh will speak about inclusion in light of trends both within the Unitarian Universalist Association, and within the United States. We also welcome new members into our congregation. Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek.
Inclusion and Exclusion
Sunday, February 23: Inclusion and Exclusion. Learn how inclusion and exclusion can impact you. Coordinators: Anne Vogel and Ellen Williams
Annual Appeal Kick-Off
Sunday, March 2: Annual Appeal Kick-Off. This morning we kick off our 2024 Annual Appeal. Rev. Josh will offer thoughts on our current financial position and how your generous financial pledge to UUSE will make a wonderful difference in the life of our congregation. Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek.