Our Staff

Rev. Josh Pawelek
Josh came to us in 2002. He often expresses his gratitude for the work and love of our community, but rest assured we know exactly how lucky we are to have his leadership. A theistic Unitarian Universalist, Josh is a spiritual leader dedicated to transformative preaching, teaching, healing and social justice ministries. He lives that dedication to the greater good. The man works tirelessly for social justice for all human beings, at national, state, and local levels - plus, he participates in every level of our services, beyond preaching. He happily plays parts in children's stories, leads hymns, and supports the creativity of our whole spiritual community. Well, after all, he was a drummer in a rock band, as you will see during some services!
(860) 652-8961.
Emmy Galbraith
Director of Children and Youth Ministry
UUSE’s Committee for Children and Youth Ministry, Policy Board, and Rev. Josh Pawelek are overjoyed to announce the hiring of Emmy Galbraith as our new Director of Children and Youth Ministry (DCYM). Emmy has worked with UUSE’s Children and Youth Ministry in the past as a staff member, a volunteer and a parent. She brings to the position a wide range of work experience, great passion and enthusiasm, and a commitment both to Unitarian Universalism and to children’s spiritual development.

Mary Bopp
Music Director
Mary has served UUSE since 2015, after over 30 years as a professional full-time musician in New York City! An award-winning artist, Mary brings more than hymns and classical composers' music to our services. She is also an improv-magician to many, directs our choir with her unique creativity and adaptability, and brings a variety of professional artists to perform at services and more! Mary is a beloved inspiration to us all.
Annie Gentile
Office Manager
Annie Gentile joined UUSE as office administrator in 2000. She is, among other things, the friendly voice on the other end of the phone when you call weekdays and is always happy to help you with any of your questions about our church organization.
860 646-5151

Molly Vigeant
Nursery Coordinator
I've gone to UUSE since I was in nursery myself. I'm a special needs paraprofessional and a mom. UUSE's youth programs met my incessant curiosity with consistent open-minded love and compassion, it is my goal as nursery coordinator to be one of the people who shares their open-minded love and compassion with future generations.
Jane Osborn
Building Manger / Tech Leader
Jane manages all aspects of our building maintenance, but she is also our amazing tech guru, assuring the excellent sound and visual quality of our hybrid Sunday services. On top of this, over 10 years ago, she independently founded the ever-growing Manchesters Women's Sacred Singing Circle, housed here at UUSE. As an artisan and builder, Jane has also built canoes, musical instruments, and more— come join us as we see what's next!
860 646-5151