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  • Pagan Group

    Pagan Group Welcoming all paths. Ceremonies include but are not limited to: Summer and Winter Solstices, Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, Beltane (May Day), Imbolc, Litha, Lughnasa, and others as inspired. Contact Rev. Josh for details. < Previous Contact Office for Times Next >

  • Notes on Interdependence.

    < To Upcoming Services Apr 14, 2024 Notes on Interdependence. Our ministry theme for April is interdependence. This morning Rev. Josh offers his latest reflections on this concept that is central to Unitarian Universalist theology and spirituality. Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek #eBlast-04-10 OOS Sermon YouTube

  • Sunday School | UUSE

    Sunday School Click to Redirect to Children and Youth Ministry

  • May the River Renew Us

    < To Upcoming Services Jun 9, 2024 May the River Renew Us Our ministry theme for June is renewal. Given all the trends in the wider world that wear us down these days, finding avenues for renewal seems essential. When you feel down, what renews your spirit? We will also be welcoming new members into our congregation this morning. Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek #eBlast-06-05 OOS Sermon YouTube

  • UUA & Denominational Affairs | UUSE

    UUA Live your values aloud, not alone. Our open-minded, open-hearted spiritual communities help people lead lives of justice, love, learning and hope. Demonination Affairs Forum Here Update from the UUA Discernment Task Force Sept 20th 2024 Over the past three weeks the Discernment Task Force has been meeting with members of the congregation to discuss what, in their view, a good discernment process would look like. Members of the Task Force have met with members of the Policy Board, the minister, and the director of Children and Youth Ministries (CYM). We also reached out to folks who were active in raising concerns about the new Article 2 and the UUA. In addition, we met with folks who reached out to us, following our E-Blast (August 29) seeking input on what a good process would be. In addition, we identified additional folks to ensure different demographics were represented, for example a range of generations, people with children, people without children. We engaged with 35 people, of whom 33 agreed to share their views. NEXT STEPS Sept 23 The Task Force will meet to identify themes that emerged from our conversations with stakeholders. The congregation can expect a brief report – via a dedicated eblast, via the CYM weekly email, on UUSE’s Facebook page, and as an insert in the Sunday order of service -- regarding the main themes that emerged. Oct 6 The Task Force will have a four-hour meeting to design a process of congregational engagement based on the input received. The congregation can expect an overall description and timeline of opportunities for congregational engagement soon after this meeting -- via a dedicated eblast, via the CYM weekly email, on UUSE’s Facebook page, and as an insert in the Sunday order of service. Second half of Oct and November: likely time frame for congregational engagement events. Late December/Early January: Report to the Policy Board Discernment Task Force Members: Trisha Corey-Lisle, chair; Desiree Holian-Borgnis; David Lacoss; Sage Nitzan; Sylvia Ounpuu; Sid Soderholm; Monica van Beusekom; Lynn Dove, Policy Board Liaison Summary of mission of UUA Discernment Task Force: The UUA Discernment Task Force will design and implement a process by which UUSE members and friends can: 1) listen to each other’s concerns about the UUA and Unitarian Universalism; 2) determine together the institutional relationship we wish to have with the UUA; and 3) determine what changes to the UUSE constitution, if any, will enable us to formalize that relationship. #specialEBlast-9-20-24 What do we get from the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)? Recently the Denominational Affairs Committee has received some questions regarding how much we are spending annually on dues for the UUA and what we receive from the UUA in return. Carrie Kocher questioned Rev. Josh about this topic and most of the article below is culled directly from his responses. In terms of what we give to the UUA, since 2010 we have paid $281,845 in Annual Program Fund (APF) dues. This coming 2023-2024 year we are planning to spend $26,044 or 4.61% of our operating budget, bringing the total to $307,889 through June 2024. In terms of what we get from the UUA, it certainly varies from year to year, but here's a (non-exhaustive) list: Specific UUSE needs over the past 15 years: 1) When we conducted our building campaign, we received excellent, professional advice from a UUA capital campaign consultant. (Less important: UUA dignitaries also joined us for our Capital Campaign launch and for the celebration of our new building.) 2) When our long-time Director of Religious Education retired and we wanted support in re-envisioning our RE program (now CYM) we received excellent support from staff at the New England Region office. They guided us through the early stages of our transition, and then helped us establish a relationship with a remote interim DRE to whom we paid an additional consulting fee for a year. 3) When we were in the midst of our "sanctuary conflict,” two members of the New England Region staff did significant work on conflict reconciliation with us. They interviewed more than 20 people involved in the conflict. They designed a program for conflict reconciliation. 4) When we learned we would be receiving a significant bequest from the estate of Cliff Pelletier, the UUA made a stewardship consultant available to us to help us think through implications such as the precedents we are setting with whatever decisions we make. 5) New England Region staff joined UUSE and Unitarian Society of Hartford (USH) members for the launch of the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance. General UUA services that currently benefit UUSE (or will benefit UUSE in the future): 5) The UUA Office of Church Staff Finances provides extensive guidance on personnel and employment-related issues. Perhaps most importantly, they offer guidance for setting salaries for our geographic region. They also offer a number of group benefits, such as long-term disability and health insurance. We don't necessarily use these benefits—for example, we aren't part of the UUA's health insurance program because we are usually able to find less expensive options—but they are there if we need them. 6) Our endowment is managed by the UUA's common endowment fund (we do pay additional management fees). 7) The UUA was phenomenal during the pandemic, offering regular pastoral, ethical and technical advice to congregations, helping congregations make technology decisions, creating a UUA Zoom umbrella account that enabled congregations to get Zoom accounts at discounted subscription rates, curating best practices for opening/closing, masking, ventilation, etc. Our Emergency Management Team relied heavily on UUA resources for recommending pandemic-related decisions to our Policy Board. 8) The UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee carries out the task of credentialing ministers. This is very much a behind-the-scenes function, but it is essential to the ongoing health and vitality of congregations. The process is critical because it filters out people who are not fit for the ministry, especially people who may be risks for sexual misconduct. It also identifies deficits in the training of aspiring ministers and ensures that those deficits are addressed before offering credentials. 9) The UUA manages the system that enables congregations to find new ministers when clergy move on or retire. While UUSE hasn't needed access to this process in 21 years, there will come a time when UUSE needs access to this system in order to find a qualified interim minister, and then a qualified settled minister. 10) The UUA manages Worship Web which offers thousands of resources for worship. While UUSE subscribes to Soul Matters for worship resources, which is not a UUA program, we also take advantage of the Worship Web resources on a regular basis. 11) The UUA is regularly churning out religious education curricula through Tapestry of Faith and other programs. These programs range from the youngest learners to adult resources. 12) I put the "Our Whole Lives" (sexuality curriculum) in a separate category, only because training is required for people to teach this course, and the UUA manages the training seminars. 13) The UUA offers a stunning range of leadership resources. I won't go into all of them here, but one can scan the offerings on the Congregations and Leadership page of the UUA website. 14) the UUA's Side With Love program offers far-ranging resources and workshops (currently they refer to them as "skill-ups") for deepening social and environmental justice ministries, as well as inclusion and outreach ministries. 15) Finally, I would add that the New England region of the UUA consistently hires excellent, insightful, wise staff who are available for consultation as needed, and who offer regular workshops (in-person and online) for congregations on a wide range of topics. I just took a quick glance at their website and remembered that they also posted our position announcement when we were seeking a DCYM this summer. A few of the applicants learned about the position through their posting. As stated above, this is not an exhaustive list. But it gives a good general summary of where our dues money goes. Denominational Affairs Committee October 2023

  • Music Salon Unplugged

    < To Upcoming Services Watch the eBlast for the next scheduled Music Salon Unplugged Music Salon Unplugged Friday, December 13th at 6:30 P.M. Mark your calendar and join the musical fun at Music Salon Unplugged in the UUSE Meeting Room. If you like music and fun, you will like the salon. We play instruments of all types for each other, sometimes sing, sometimes solo, sometimes in groups--lots of variety! This is a low-key group of friendly folks that are happy to hear music of all types. If you are an amateur, a sometimes professional, a beginner, a player who is rusty on an instrument you used to play... ALL ARE WELCOME. You may play alone or with others. We typically try to play a couple of pieces with others. We typically try to play a couple of pieces as a group, and we'll likely have a holiday theme at this salon. You are also welcome to just sit and listen. Questions or comments? Contact Peggy Webbe at . #eBlast-12-11 Friday, December 13th at 6:30 P.M. Mark your calendar and join the musical fun at Music Salon Unplugged in the UUSE Meeting Room. If you like music and fun, you will like the salon. We play instruments of all types for each other, sometimes sing, sometimes solo, sometimes in groups--lots of variety! This is a low-key group of friendly folks that are happy to hear music of all types. If you are an amateur, a sometimes professional, a beginner, a player who is rusty on an instrument you used to play... ALL ARE WELCOME. You may play alone or with others. We typically try to play a couple of pieces with others. We typically try to play a couple of pieces as a group, and we'll likely have a holiday theme at this salon. You are also welcome to just sit and listen. Questions or comments? Contact Peggy Webbe at . #eBlast -12-11 OOS Sermon YouTube

  • Unearthing Our Spiritual Roots.

    < To Upcoming Services Aug 11, 2024 Unearthing Our Spiritual Roots. For many, gardening in the summer is a spiritual practice. From tending small plants, to harvesting their bounty, gardening nourishes both our bodies and our souls. Join us for this mid-summer service as members share the roots of their spiritual connection to gardening. Coordinators: Sandy Karosi and Kate Kimmerle #eBlast-08-07 OOS Sermon YouTube

  • Adult Education

    < Back Adult Education Adult Religious Education Goals for 2024-25 1. Recruit committee members. 2. Support ongoing programs. Check in with program organizers to see if they need assistance. 3. Offer the UU Common Read for 2024-25 with help from Denominational Affairs and Rev. Josh 4. Create/support new programs. Updated October 4, 2024 at 7:30:17 PM

  • Pride Month Potluck

    < To Upcoming Services Watch the eBlast for the next scheduled Pride Month Potluck We are having a GLBTQ potluck picnic and get together on July 2 after service at the church. We are welcoming all GLBTQ church folk and their partners or friends to celebrate being us. Please RSVP to Ellen Williams or with any questions. Happy pride month! OOS Sermon YouTube

  • HS Youth Group (Gr 9 & up)

    < Back HS Youth Group (Gr 9 & up) Several different types of programming are incorporated to best meet the needs and interests of our high school youth. At bi-monthly meetings the group will get together to talk, play games, cook, eat, watch a movie, attend a service together or work on a service project. Youth can work toward earning the Distinguished Youth Service Award. There will also be opportunities for social activities or other special events outside the building. To signup to volunteer with High School Youth Group (Grades 9-12) Previous Next

  • Our Staff | UUSE

    Our Staff Rev. Josh Pawelek Minister Josh came to us in 2002. He often expresses his gratitude for the work and love of our community, but rest assured we know exactly how lucky we are to have his leadership. A theistic Unitarian Universalist, Josh is a spiritual leader dedicated to transformative preaching, teaching, healing and social justice ministries. He lives that dedication to the greater good. The man works tirelessly for social justice for all human beings, at national, state, and local levels - plus, he participates in every level of our services, beyond preaching. He happily plays parts in children's stories, leads hymns, and supports the creativity of our whole spiritual community. Well, after all, he was a drummer in a rock band, as you will see during some services! (860) 652-8961. Emmy Galbraith Director of Children and Youth Ministry UUSE’s Committee for Children and Youth Ministry, Policy Board, and Rev. Josh Pawelek are overjoyed to announce the hiring of Emmy Galbraith as our new Director of Children and Youth Ministry (DCYM). Emmy has worked with UUSE’s Children and Youth Ministry in the past as a staff member, a volunteer and a parent. She brings to the position a wide range of work experience, great passion and enthusiasm, and a commitment both to Unitarian Universalism and to children’s spiritual development. Mary Bopp Music Director Mary has served UUSE since 2015, after over 30 years as a professional full-time musician in New York City! An award-winning artist, Mary brings more than hymns and classical composers' music to our services. She is also an improv-magician to many, directs our choir with her unique creativity and adaptability, and brings a variety of professional artists to perform at services and more! Mary is a beloved inspiration to us all. Annie Gentile Office Manager Annie Gentile joined UUSE as office administrator in 2000. She is, among other things, the friendly voice on the other end of the phone when you call weekdays and is always happy to help you with any of your questions about our church organization. 860 646-5151 Molly Vigeant Nursery Coordinator I've gone to UUSE since I was in nursery myself. I'm a special needs paraprofessional and a mom. UUSE's youth programs met my incessant curiosity with consistent open-minded love and compassion, it is my goal as nursery coordinator to be one of the people who shares their open-minded love and compassion with future generations. Jane Osborn Building Manger / Tech Leader Jane manages all aspects of our building maintenance, but she is also our amazing tech guru, assuring the excellent sound and visual quality of our hybrid Sunday services. On top of this, over 10 years ago, she independently founded the ever-growing Manchesters Women's Sacred Singing Circle, housed here at UUSE. As an artisan and builder, Jane has also built canoes, musical instruments, and more— come join us as we see what's next! 860 646-5151

  • CYM Staff | UUSE

    CYM Staff Emmy Galbraith Director of Children and Youth Ministry UUSE’s Committee for Children and Youth Ministry, Policy Board, and Rev. Josh Pawelek are overjoyed to announce the hiring of Emmy Galbraith as our new Director of Children and Youth Ministry (DCYM). Emmy has worked with UUSE’s Children and Youth Ministry in the past as a staff member, a volunteer and a parent. She brings to the position a wide range of work experience, great passion and enthusiasm, and a commitment both to Unitarian Universalism and to children’s spiritual development. Molly Vigeant Nursery Coordinator I've gone to UUSE since I was in nursery myself. I'm a special needs paraprofessional and a mom. UUSE's youth programs met my incessant curiosity with consistent open-minded love and compassion, it is my goal as nursery coordinator to be one of the people who shares their open-minded love and compassion with future generations. Angela Attardo Children and Youth Ministry Program Assistent Say hello to Angela

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