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- Photo Credits | UUSE
Photo Credits All photos used with permission. Sources:, Joe Madar, Nancy Thompson, Sylvia Ounpuu-Adams, Sindre Fs via, ATC Photo via, Linda Duncan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ROMEOS Retired Old Men Eating Out, or The ROMEOs, is a social group that gets together once a month for lunch. Contact the office for details. < Previous Next Meeting Next >
- About Us | UUSE
What is Unitarian Universalism? Unitarian Universalism affirms and promotes seven Principles, grounded in the humanistic teachings of the world's religions. Our spirituality is unbounded, drawing from scripture and science, nature and philosophy, personal experience and ancient tradition as described in our six sources. The Seven Principles The inherent worth and dignity of every person. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth relations. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process congregations and in society at large. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. . The seven Principles and six Sources of the Unitarian Universalist Association grew out of the grassroots of our communities, were affirmed democratically, and are part of who we are. Read them as they are written in our UUA Bylaws. What We Believe We are people of all ages, people of many backgrounds and beliefs. We are gay and straight together. We believe in social justice and role of liberal religion as a force for good. We are brave, curious and compassionate thinkers and doers. We create spirituality and community beyond boundaries, working for more justice and more love in our own lives and in the world. Our Vision Statement Unitarian Universalist Society East will be home to a spiritually alive, richly diverse and growing congregation. We will send forth energy, spirit and strength into our beloved communities. We will love, be present to suffering, comfort, heal, bear witness to oppression, and boldly work toward social and environmental justice. Adopted by the congregation May 20, 2018 A Unique Shared Ministry Unitarian Universalist SocietyEast (UUSE) has a more or less 50/50 split between Reverend Josh and lay led services. Members of the congregation volunteer their time and effort to provide a different point of view, in line with the monthly theme.
- Staff Goals
< Back Staff Goals UUSE Staff Goals for 2024-2025 Rev. Josh Pawelek, Minister Support the work of the three Task Forces: UUA Discernment, Constitutional Change, and Strategic Planning. Develop Minister's role in supporting Leadership Transitions. Support leadership's engagement with Widening the Circle of Concern recommendations. Co-design multi-generational Affirmation Class with Rev. Josh. Mary Bopp, Music Director Continue with composition project to create music for the liturgical/seasonal year. Explore options for more robust children’s music ministry. Continue researching new music. Emmy Galbraith, Director of Children and Youth Ministry Develop a marketing strategy for CYM. How do we reach more families in our region who may respond well to UUism, but who don’t know we exist? Explore process for “E-bonding” with the families Emmy doesn’t know so well. Build understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses related to technology. Co-design multi-generational Affirmation Class with Rev. Josh Annie Gentile, Office Administrator Continue supporting Membership Committee in creating the picture directory. Collaborate with minister and future UUSE marketing team on ways to increase building rentals. Learn new process for weekly eblast. Jane Osborn, Building Manager Expand VMix/hybrid service tech crew Updated October 4, 2024 at 7:26:56 PM
- Flower Communion—100 Years Strong
< To Upcoming Services May 21, 2023 Flower Communion—100 Years Strong All-Congregation Service. Join us for our annual observance of the Unitarian Universalist Flower Communion. This is a special year as it is the 100th anniversary of the follower communion. Through story, song, and music, we celebrate the beauty of our individuality, and the strength and warmth of our community. Bring flowers to share. We also welcome new members into our congregation. Our Annual Meeting will begin shortly after the second service. Coordinator(s): Gina Campellone and Rev. Josh Pawelek OOS Sermon YouTube
- Emphasis on Covenant
< To Upcoming Services Jul 23, 2023 Emphasis on Covenant Rev. Josh will share his experiences of the Unitarian Universalist Association's General Assembly in Pittsburgh. In short, where do things stand with Article 2 of the UUA bylaws? Coordinator(s): Rev. Josh Pawelek OOS Sermon YouTube
- Volunteers Needed | UUSE
Volunteers Needed The Children & Youth Ministry is run by professionals and volunteers working together. We ask that families who enroll their children in the program offer to help – there are LOTS of options designed to fit different comfort levels and availability. Adults without children in the program often help as well! Many hands make light work – and allow all volunteers a chance to become connected to the program, while still having the ability to attend services and feel spiritually nurtured! To sign up to volunteer please select from these links: Nursery (ages 3 and under) Workshop Adventure (Grades 1 through 5) Twilight Zone (6th, 7th and 8th grades) High School Youth Group (Grades 9-12) Faith In Action (Grades 10-12)
- On Donkeys, Palms, and Money-Changers: A Meditation for Palm Sunday.
< To Upcoming Services Mar 24, 2024 On Donkeys, Palms, and Money-Changers: A Meditation for Palm Sunday. Rev. Josh takes us through Jesus' entry into Jerusalem a week prior to his execution. What might this ancient story tell us about the previous balance between humility and rage? Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek #eBlast-03-20 OOS Sermon YouTube
- Stop & Shop Cards Sales
Stop & Shop Cards Sales This Sunday, Stop & Shop cards will be sold after the 10:00 A.M. service. We now can use debit or credit cards for these purchases. Come support this UUSE fundraiser! < Previous Next Event Next >
- Sunday Services Committee
< Back Sunday Services Committee 2024 - 2025 Sunday Services Committee Goals Provide consistently high quality, engaging, and spiritually uplifting services. Recruit and retain committed, active lay leaders dedicated to the provision of well-coordinated services. Continue to encourage congregational participation in services. Continue summer pulpit exchanges with Unitarian Society of Hartford when possible and exploration of additional pulpit exchange partners. Updated October 4, 2024 at 7:25:35 PM
- Childcare and Gift Wrap fundraiser
< To Upcoming Services Watch the eBlast for the next scheduled Childcare and Gift Wrap fundraiser Childcare and Gift Wrapping Fundraiser Wondering how you're going to get it all done this holiday season? We can help! The Youth Group is offering a Childcare and Gift-Wrapping Fundraiser on SUNDAY, December 3 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Drop off your children on the Garden Level anytime between those hours and shop for the holiday child-free. Youth will provide games, activities and a snack with adult supervision. Drop off your gifts at our wrapping station (with or without your favorite wrapping paper). We will wrap them for you in gift bags or wrapping paper while you're out. $13 per hour for the first child; $7 per hour for each additional child. $3 per gift wrapped. For more info or to reserve a spot, please contact Michelle Spadaccini at or 860-646-5151. All proceeds go to fund Youth Group activities. #eBlast-11-29 Wondering how you're going to get it all done this holiday season? We can help! The Youth Group is offering a Childcare and Gift-Wrapping Fundraiser on SUNDAY, December 3 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Drop off your children on the Garden Level anytime between those hours and shop for the holiday child-free. Youth will provide games, activities and a snack with adult supervision. Drop off your gifts at our wrapping station (with or without your favorite wrapping paper). We will wrap them for you in gift bags or wrapping paper while you're out. $13 per hour for the first child; $7 per hour for each additional child. $3 per gift wrapped. For more info or to reserve a spot, please contact Michelle Spadaccini at or 860-646-5151. All proceeds go to fund Youth Group activities. #eBlast -11-29 OOS Sermon YouTube
- GHIAA: Why Faith-Based Community Organizing Matters.
< To Upcoming Services Nov 12, 2023 GHIAA: Why Faith-Based Community Organizing Matters. Our guest speaker this morning is Marika Stewart, an organizer with the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance. Ms. Stewart will provide reflections on GHIAA's past successes and its vision for the future of our state. She will also share the reasons why she is drawn to the work of faith-based community organizing. GHIAA, established in 2019, is a diverse organizatin of lay leaders and clergy intersecting race, class, gender identity, religion and geography to build relational power that addresses social justice challenges in local communities and beyond. UUSE is a proud GHIAA member and fully supports its endeavors. Coordinator: Gianna DiMaiolo #eBlast-11-08 November 12: “GHIAA: Why Faith-Based Community Organizing Matters.” Our guest speaker this morning is Marika Stewart, an organizer with the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance. Ms. Stewart will provide reflections on GHIAA's past successes and its vision for the future of our state. She will also share the reasons why she is drawn to the work of faith-based community organizing. GHIAA, established in 2019, is a diverse organization of lay leaders and clergy intersecting race, class, gender identity, religion, and geography to build relational power that addresses social justice challenges in local communities and beyond. UUSE is a proud GHIAA member, and fully supports its endeavors. Coordinator(s): Gianna DiMaiolo OOS Sermon YouTube