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Apr 20, 2025

Adult Affirmation

Adult Affirmation

The class will meet on the 3rd Sunday from 1:00 to 2:30 pm each month until May. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the theological and spiritual quesetions related to God, humanity and human nature, the earth, the role of the individual in community, and social and environmental justice engagement. Participants will also craft a credo--a statement of their personal theology. Want to sign up? Contact our office at or (860) 646-5151. Questions? Contact Rev. Josh.

The class will meet on the 3rd Sunday from 1:00 to 2:30 pm each month until May. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the theological and spiritual quesetions related to God, humanity and human nature, the earth, the role of the individual in community, and social and environmental justice engagement. Participants will also craft a credo--a statement of their personal theology. Want to sign up? Contact our office at or (860) 646-5151. Questions? Contact Rev. Josh.

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