Gathering Music
Welcome and Announcements
by Lily Coleman
Chalice Lighting and Opening Words
"Between Seasons"
Rev. Elizabeth Tarbox
Opening Hymn
#38 "Morning Has Broken"
Words by Eleanor Farjeon
Music: Gaelic Melody
Morning has broken like the first morning,
blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning!
Praise for them, springing fresh from the Word!
Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven,
like the first dewfall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
sprung in completeness where God's feet pass.
Mine is the sunlight! Mine is the morning
born of the one light Eden saw play!
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God's recreation of the new day!
Welcoming New Members
9:00 a.m., Paul Cocuzzo
11:00 a.m., Megan Corning, Dan Covino, Rachel Hiskes, Kristina Jablonski and Alex Bernier
Introductions (Membership Committee co-chairs)
The Charge (Minister)
As you take up membership in the Unitarian Universalist Society East, I charge you to share with us who you are. Share your creativity, your experiences, your questions, your doubts, your beliefs, and all your discoveries of life's meaning. I charge you to shake us up with your ideas, to stir us up with your conscience, to inspire us with your actions, and to stimulate our hopes with your dreams of what life can be.
Congregational Welcome (Congregation)
We welcome you as companions in the search for truth and meaning. We invite you to share in our mission of caring for one another, encouraging each other in spiritual growth, working for justice and peace in the wider community, and living in harmony with the earth. We join our gifts with yours, trusting in the power of community to bring freedom, healing and love.
New Member Affirmation (New members)
We join the Unitarian Universalist Society East out of a desire and willingness to participate in a liberal religious congregation. We pledge to share our time, energy and gifts; to diligently seek our spiritual truths; and to strengthen the bonds of community.
Responsive Hymn
"What is this Church?"
Words adapted from Eugene Sander
Music by Jean Sibelius
What is this church?
A place of love and gladness.
Where all may meet, to seek the common good.
A source of strength, to face each doubt and sadness.
Where every dream is known and understood.
What is this church? Ask those who came before,
And found themselves, by crossing through its door.
Joys and Concerns
Musical Meditation
"Exit from the Drift"
by Lily Coleman
The recipient of our March community outreach offering is Moral Monday CT, a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations, rooted in the social justice and civil rights movements. Based in Hartford, Moral Monday CT gathers voices in the struggle for freedom and justice for black and brown people. Their areas of focus, activism and social change work include police accountability, voting rights, and workers rights. Moral Monday CT was founded by Bishop John Selders and Lady Pamela Selders.
Offering Music
"Being, Becoming"
by Mary Bopp
"On Roots and Wings: The Paradox of Transformation"
Rev. Josh Pawelek
Closing Hymn
#1057 "Go Lifted Up"
Words and music by Mortimer B. Barron
Go lifted up,
Love bless your way,
moonlight, starlight
guide your journey
into peace
and the brightness of the day.
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Words
May faith in the Spirit of Life
And hope for the community of Earth
And love of the light in each other
Be ours now, and in all the days to come.