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Lend a Hand! Ways to help at the Holiday Fair

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When in doubt, email Fair Chair Desiree at to offer your time or your stuff. 

What to Donate & Who to Ask about It

It’s time to craft, create, bake, and assemble your stuff! 

We sell all sorts of things at the fair, from beautiful, handcrafted pieces to fabulous finds from your attic, vintage jewelry to cookies. We group items by “shop” led by various people/teams.

Used/Vintage Items

Jewelry: We’re in need of a leader for this area! Peggy Webbe and Diana Sherman are happy to advise but have pressing matters that mean they don’t have the bandwidth to donate as much time as they have in the past. Talk to Desiree or email if you can set up. We will take donations NOW. Drop off box is in the coatroom. Please label and focus on items of value.

Books: Hardcover and “Trade Paperbacks” only please. Be kind! Sort and dust your books before you drop them off. If they’re in bad shape, throw them out at home. Contact Dottie Keating ( We’re looking for a co-chair for books who can take over next year.

Tag Sale: Don’t use it any more? Let someone else! We need LOTS of items in good condition and are especially looking for a few high ticket items for the Fabulous Finds booth. Contact Sandy Karosi and Deb Gould (, for tag sale and Lesley Schurmann for Fabulous Finds (

Children’s Books, Games, Small Toys, Puzzles: The kids love to shop for treasures. Contact Laurie Semprebon (

Handcrafts & Arts

Original Works of Art: whatever you make, note cards, prints, pottery, jewelry. Talk to Nancy Madar. (

Handmade Holiday Crafts or Traditional Items: Any holiday décor, ornaments, etc. are welcome! Talk to Louisa Graver. (

Sewn & Knitted Items: Contact Phil Sawyer ( ) or Carol Marion ( Especially needed: mitten makers! Phil has patterns if you need them.

Justice Table Items: We are looking for items to show our allyship and commitment to justice. This means pride, BLM, economic justice, social justice, gender equality, and all ways we live our values. Contact Desiree Holian-Borgnis at

Whimsy Booth: We are looking for items that are fun, whimsical and bring a special flair. They can be earth based, fun or fantastical. Contact Gina Campellone at

Woodworking: Anyone who makes items out of wood is encouraged to donate their handiwork and/or their time working at the table. Contact Bill Graver at

Silent Auction: If you have something you think might be right for the auction, contact Mary Ellen Vigeant (, Carolyn Gimbrone (, or Jan Knotts ( 


There are LOTS of opportunities to bake! Contact Jennifer Klee ( for all things food related.

Friday Night Dessert: a recipe will be provided. 

Grab and Go Refreshments on Saturday (things that can be served on a napkin and eaten by hand), so we need bars, muffins, cookies, etc., both savory and sweet.

The Bake Shop will need its usual cookies, breads and fruit breads, pies, etc. If you bake it, we will sell it! We always sell out of everything. 

Jams & Jellies: Contact Jennifer Klee at with a list of what and how many you plan to donate and she will make labels for you.

Frozen Pies: Last year’s experiment was a success so we will assemble a team to meet at UUSE and make pies to freeze. Interested in helping? Contact Jennifer Klee.

Frozen Soup is also under consideration! Watch for eblast notices from Anne Carr.

When to Donate

Donations of books, tag sale items, children’s items, etc., will be accepted starting after Sunday services on Nov. 17 and Monday through Wednesday (9 am to 8 pm). For everything else, please contact the area coordinators.

Help Wanted! 

Need a job? We’ve got plenty! Only enthusiasm, not experience, required!

Starting Now

Are you willing to apprentice this year so you can run a booth next year? Let us know! 

Organize Lunch for the Fair Workers: Easy! Order take out and set/clean it up.

After Fair Party Coordinator: Find and reserve a fun venue.

Garden Level Coordinator: Organize the team that empties out and resets the Children & Youth Ministry Rooms.

Help put up signs.

Tell your friends all about it! Share Facebook posts, email the flyer.

Watch the eBlast for more opportunities and requests.

Sunday, November 17

12:30 – 2 p.m.

Set up tables

Pack up the Garden Level

Start bringing in your donations of books, tag sale & children’s shop items.

During the week of Nov. 17 to 20

The areas that can use the most help during set up week are the Book Shop, the Tag Sale, Jewelry and the Children’s Shop but contact ANY of the shop leaders if you have time.

Any amount of time you can give is great. 

Friday Night, November 22

Sneak Peek open from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Greeters in Lobby 

Serve Refreshments

Sales in All Areas

Clean Up

Saturday, November 23

Doors Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Greeters in Lobby

Sell Refreshments

Sales in All Areas

Clean Up: 3 p.m. til it’s done

This is a great time for some fresh legs to arrive! If you can’t help any other time, please think about coming at the end to help then!

Set up Garden Level for CYM.

Contact with any questions, suggestions or offers to help!


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