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Celebration of Life for Shoshana Levinson - February 1, 2025

Writer: uuseofficeuuseoffice

Updated: Jan 31

June 3, 1952 – December 18, 2024



“Home at Last”

by Dave Brubek

Chris Crossgrove, piano                               

Opening Words (Rev. Josh Pawelek)


Chalice Lighting

Candle Ceremony (Kendra Scarlett)

Smudging (Blessing) Ceremony (Bert Gunn)

Responsive Reading

"We Remember Shoshana"

ad. from Rabbi Jack Reimer


At the rising of the sun and its going down

We will remember her.

At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter

We will remember her.

At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring

We will remember her.

At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer

We will remember her.

At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn

We will remember her.

At the beginning of the year and when it ends

We will remember her.

As long as we live, Shoshana too will live, for she is now a part of us

As we remember her.

When we are lost and sick at heart

We will remember her.

When we have made decisions that are difficult to make,

We will remember her.

When we have achievements that are based on hers

We will remember her.

When we have joy we crave to share

We will remember her.

As long as we live, she too will live for Shoshana is now part of us.

As we remember her.



by Charlie Chaplin  

Chris Crossgrove, piano


Marsha Mason


Kendra Scarlett


"To a Wild Rose"

By Edward MacDowell

Chris Crossgrove, piano


Words from the Minister

Mourners’ Kadish (Transliterated from the Hebrew)

Yitgadahl v-yitkadesh sh’mey rabah

B-allma div’ra chirautey

V’yamlich malchutey B-chayechon yv-yomeychon

Liv’chayey d’chol Beyt Yisra’el ba-agalah u-vi-zman kariv

V-imru ameyn.


Y’hey sh’mey rabah m’vorach

L’olam ul’amey almaya.


Yitbaraheh v-yishtabehch

v-yitpa’ahr v-yitromahm v-yit nasey

v-yit’hahdar v-yit’ahleh v-it’hahlal

sh’mey d’kud’sha, b’rich hu

l-eyla min kol birchahta v-shirahta

tushb’chahta v-nehchehmahta

da’amirahn b-alma v-imru ameyn.


Y’hey shlahma rabah min sh’maya v-chayim,

Aleynu v-al kol Yisra’el v-imru ameyn.


Oseh shalom bim’romahv, hu yah’ahseh

Shalom aleynu v-al kol Yistr’el

v-omru ameyn.


“Accentuate the Positive”

by Johnny Mercer                            

Shoshana Levinson, vocals

Chris Crossgrove, piano

Extinguishing the Chalice


"In Blackwater Woods"

by Mary Oliver

Closing Circle

May faith in the spirit of life                                                  

And hope for the community of earth                                     

And love of the light in each other                                     

Be ours now, and in all the days to come. 




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