Gathering Music
Welcome & Announcements
“I Reach Out” By Sandy Johnson Sandy Johnson, vocals; Dan Thompson, guitar
Chalice Lighting and Opening Words
Excerpt from Sy Montgomery
Opening Hymn
#298 “Wake Now My Senses” Words by Thomas Mikelson Music: traditional Irish melody, harmony by Carlton R. Young
Wake, now, my senses, and hear the earth call; feel the deep power of being in all; keep, with the web of creation your vow, giving, receiving as love shows us how.
Wake, now, my reason, reach out to the new; join with each pilgrim who quests for the true; honor the beauty and wisdom of time; suffer thy limit, and praise the sublime.
Wake, now, compassion, give heed to the cry; voices of suffering fill the wide sky; take as your neighbor both stranger and friend, praying and striving their hardship to end.
Wake, now, my conscience, with justice thy guide; join with all people whose rights are denied; take not for granted a privileged place; God’s love embraces the whole human race.
Wake, now, my vision of ministry clear; brighten my pathway with radiance here; mingle my calling with all who will share; work toward a planet transformed by our care.
Musical Meditation
Joys and Concerns
Musical Meditation
Offering We are taking a special fifth Sunday offering on behalf of DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries), the UUA’s oldest national People of Color organization. DRUUMM’s spring fundraiser and national worship service is on May 11th. We will publish the registration information for those who’d like to attend. As always, thank you for your generosity!
Offertory Music
“Holy Now” By Peter Mayer Dan Thompson, guitar; Sandy Johnson, vocals
“All Life is Sacred” Rev. Josh Pawelek
Closing Hymn
#155 “Circle Round for Freedom” Words and music by Linda Hirschhorm
Circle ’round for freedom, circle ’round for peace, for all of us imprisoned, circle for release, circle for the planet, circle for each soul, for the children of our children, keep the circle whole.
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Circle May faith in the Spirit of Life And hope for the community of Earth And Love of the light in each other Be ours now, and in all the days to come.