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Music plays a huge part in our worship and in our community, and there's room for everyone to participate in our music programs. Many talented individuals take part in our services individually, in groups, in singing circles, and in choirs.  Whether it's leading hymns, participating in choirs, playing piano or guitar, or even gifted professional musicians providing spirited musical themes, everyone can play a part. Our music director, Mary Bopp, with help from a very active music committee, plays a key role in all of the musical offerings that take place at UUSE.

UUSE Choir Mary Bopp_edited.jpg

Mary Bopp

Music Director

Mary has served UUSE since 2015, after over 30 years as a professional full-time musician in New York City! An award-winning artist, Mary brings more than hymns and classical composers' music to our services. She is also an improv-magician to many, directs our choir with her unique creativity and adaptability, and brings a variety of professional artists to perform at services and more! Mary is a beloved inspiration to us all.

Choir News

Music Reporting

The Music Report lists all of the music performed at UUSE Sunday Services during the reporting period Starting Tue Oct 01 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) today is Tue Mar 25 2025 06:15:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


"Listen to the Voices" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, October 6, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- "Listen to the Voices"

- written by Holly Near

- and recorded by Joe Madar

- New video by Dan Thompson and Jeannette LeSure

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #112 "Do You Hear?"

- Words: Emily L. Thorn

- Music: William Caldwell's Union Harmony, 1837

Offertory Music ---------------------

- "The Silence Between the Notes"

- by Mary Bopp

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #391 "Voice Still and Small"

- Words and music by John Corrado


"All That We Let In" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, October 13, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- "Autumn Town Leaves"

- by Iron and Wine

- Jenn Richard, guitar and vocals

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #298 “Wake Now My Senses” (verses 1-3)

- Words by Thomas Mikelson

- Music: traditional Irish melody


Offering Music ---------------------

- “All That We Let In”

-  by the Indigo Girls

- Jenn Richard, guitar and vocals

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #318 “We Would Be One”

- Words by Samuel Anthony Wright

- Music by Jean Sibelius


"Ageism" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, October 20, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- "Autumnal"

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #1007 "There's a River Flowin' in My Soul"

- Words and Music: Rose Sanders

Offering Music ---------------------

- "How Could Anyone"

- by Libby Roderick, arr. by Mary Bopp

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #1028 "The Fire of Commitment"

- Words: Mary Katherine Morn

- Music Jason Shelton


"Ancestor Day" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, October 27, 2024

Prelude and Calling the Quarters ---------------------

- "To the Four Directions"

- Music by Mary Bopp

- Words adapted from Joan Goodwin's "To the Four Directions"

- Sandy Johnson, vocals

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #103 "For All the Saints"

Offering Music ---------------------

- "Faded in the Sun"

- by Lilly Coleman

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #52 "In Sweet Fields of Autumn"

- words by Elizabeth Madison

- music by William James Kirkpatrick


"America the Beautiful" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, November 3, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- Americana I: "Fantasia on America the Beautiful"

- Music by Samuel A. Ward

- Mary Bopp, piano

Song ---------------------

- #1009 “Meditation on Breathing”

- By Sara Dan Jones

Offering Music ---------------------

- Americana II: "Fantasia on Themes from Aaron Copland”

- Mary Bopp, piano

Closing Song ---------------------

- “America the Beautiful”

- adapted from Katherine Lee Bates



"America the Compassionate" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, November 10, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- "Spirit of Life"

- by Carolyn McDade

- Mary Bopp, piano

Opening Song ---------------------

- “For a World Made Whole”

- Music by Mary Bopp

- Words by Josh Pawelek

Song ---------------------

- #1053 “How Could Anyone”

- By Libby Roderick

Offering Music ---------------------

- "O Mio Babbino Caro"

- by Giacomo Puccini

- Eric Rosenberg, saxophone

- Mary Bopp, piano

Closing Song ---------------------

- #95 “There is More Love Somewhere”

- African American Hymn


"Building a Consensus Community" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, November 17, 2024

Song ---------------------

- "Ju

- by Matt Falkowski


"Joyful Thanksgiving" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, November 24, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- “When I See You”

- By Linda J. Smith Koehler and Rissa Moore


- “Open My Eyes to the Miracles Around Me”

- By Abigail Spinner McBride


- “Gratitude”

- By Ina Hata


Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #349 “We Gather Together”

- Words by Robert E. and Dorothy Caiger Senghas

- Verse 3 by Rev. Josh Pawelek

- Music by Adrian Valerius, arr. by Edward Kremser

Offering Music ---------------------

- “Praying for Time”

- By George Michael

- Will Alexon, vocals and guitar 

Song ---------------------

- “We Give Thanks”

- By Wendy Luella Perkins

Closing Song ---------------------

- #128 “For All That Is Our Life”

- Words by Bruce Findlow

- Music by Patrick Rickey


"Evening Vespers Service" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, December 2, 2024

Music ---------------------

- Kristen Dockendorff, flute


"The Present of Presence" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, December 1, 2024

 Opening Hymn                                                                      ---------------------

- #16 "‘Tis a Gift to Be Simple"                                        

- Words: Joseph Bracket

- Music: American Shaker tune 

- Chris Crossgrove, piano

- with Sandy Johnson, vocals (11:00 A.M.)

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- Winds Be Still, #83                                                                 

- Words: Richard S. Kimball

- Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley

- Chris Crossgrove, piano; Sandy Johnson, vocals (11:00 A.M.)


"On Being Present in the Dark Season" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, December 8, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"

- Mary Bopp, piano

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #89 "Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life"

- Words by George Herbert

- Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams

Music ---------------------

- #1059 "May Your Life Be as a Song"

- Words: Jim Scott

- Music: Yuri Zaritsky

Offering Music ---------------------

- "Largo" from Harpsichord Concerto in f minor

- By J.S. Bach

- Mary Bopp, piano

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"

- Words, Latin c. 9th century, trans. composite base on John Mason Neale

- Music adapt. by Thomas Helmore


"Dona Nobis Pacem" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, December 15, 2024

Gathering Music ---------------------

- Holiday Favorites

Prelude ---------------------

- "Sun Arise"

- by Helen Yeomans

- UUSE Choir

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #235 "Deck the Hall With Boughs of Holly"

- words: traditional Welsh

- music: old Welsh carol

Music ---------------------

- "The Christmas Wish"

- by Danny Akken Wheetman

- UUSE Children's Choir (11:00 a.m.)

- "Jingle Bells"

- UUSE Children's Choir (11:00 a.m. only)

Offering Music ---------------------

- "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"

- by Pyotr Tchaikovsky

- Dorothy Bognar and Mary Bopp, pianos

Music ---------------------

- "Carol of the Bells" by Mykola Leontovich

- Arr. by Peter Wilhousky and Dan Thompson

- "Rise Up, Shepherd and Follow"

- Trad. Spiritual, arr. by Greg Gilpin

- UUSE Choir with Dorothy Bognar, piano

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #388 "Dona Nobis Pacem"

- words: traditional Latin

- music: traditional canon

Postlude ---------------------

- "Live in Peace"

- by Helen Yeomans

- UUSE Choir


"On Being Present as the Sun Returns" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, December 22, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- "Darkness Into Light"

- by Mary Bopp

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #1063 "Winter Solstice Chant"

- words and music by Phillip Palmer

Offering Music ---------------------

- "Fantasia on Greensleeves"

- Ralph Vaughan Williams

- Anhared Stowe, violin

- Mary Bopp, piano

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #226 "People Look East"

- Words by Eleanor Farjeon

- Music: traditional French carol


"Silent Night, Holy Night" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, December 24, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- "Christmas Time is Here"

- by Vince Guaraldi

Offering Music ---------------------

- “O Holy Night”

- based on a poem by Placide Cappeau

- music by Adolphe Adam


"Lessons from 2024" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, December 29, 2024

Prelude ---------------------

- “Brazilian Sleigh Ride”

- by Percy Faith

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #346 “Come Sing a Song with Me”

- words and music by Carolyn Mcdade

Song ---------------------

- “Years May Come, Years May Go”

- Words and music by Andre Pope and Jack Fishman

- and Jenn Richard, guitar and vocals

Offertory Music ---------------------

- “Footprints in the Snow”

- by Claude Debussy

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- “Just As Long As I Have Breath”

- words by Alicia S. Carpenter; music by Johann G. Ebeling


"On the Road to Positivity" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, January 5, 2024

Gathering Music ---------------------

- Rob Laurens, vocals and guitar

Prelude ---------------------

- "You Are Welcome Here"

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #1009 "Meditation on Breathing"

- by Sarah Dan Jones

- Martha Larson, piano

Offering Music ---------------------

- "From the Light of Dawn"

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #212 "We Are Dancing Sarah's Circle"

- Words by Carole A. Etzler

- Music: African American spiritual, c. 1750-1875

- Martha Larson, piano


"Telling Our Stories" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, January 12, 2025

Prelude ---------------------

- "A Story With No Words"

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #1008 "When Our Heart Is In a Holy Place"

- Music & words by Joyce Poley

- Mary Bopp, piano & Jenn Richard, vocals

Offering Music ---------------------

- "The Story"

Music ---------------------

- "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town"

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #128 "For All That is Our Life"

- Music by Patrick L. Rickey

- Words by Bruce Findlow

- Mary Bopp, piano and Jenn Richard, vocals


"The Stories We Inherit: The Stories We Pass Down" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, January 19, 2025

Prelude ---------------------

- "Precious Lord, Take My Hand"

- By Thomas A. Dorsey

- Eric Rosenberg, Saxophone

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #153, "Oh I Woke Up This Morning"

- African American spiritual

- Eric Rosenberg, sax

- Bob Janes, drums

- Mary Bopp, piano

Offering Music ---------------------

- "Come and Go With Me"

- African American spiritual

- Eric Rosenberg, sax

- Bob Janes, drums

- Mary Bopp, piano

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- "We Shall Overcome"

- African American spiritual

- Words adapted by William Farley Smith


"The Power of Protest" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, January 26, 2025

Gathering Music ---------------------

- "Ship of Fools" by Hunter/Garcia

- "Just One Victory" by Rundgren

- Dan Thompson, guitar & vocals

- and Jen Richard, vocals

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #170 "We Are a Gentle Angry People"

- Words & music: Holly Near

- arr. by Patrick L. Rickey

Song ---------------------

- "Will the Circle Be Unbroken/The Flame"

- by Lara Herscovitch

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- "People Have the Power"

- by Patti Smith

- Dan Thompson, guitar and vocals;

- and Mary Lawrence, vocals


"Turning" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, February 2, 2025

Gathering Music ---------------------

- "Chuckles is Our Groundhog"

- by Dan Thompson

- Dan Thompson, guitar and vocals

Prelude ---------------------

- Adagio from E Major Sonata

- for violin and keyboard

- J.S. Bach

- Anhared Stowe, violin; Mary Bopp, piano

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #123 "Spirit of Life"

- by Carolyn McDade

Offering Music ---------------------

- Allegro from Southland Sketches

- for violin and piano

- Harry Thacker Burleigh

- Anhared Stowe, violin; Mary Bopp, piano

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #122 "Sound Over All Waters"

- Traditional Welsh melody

- Words by John Greenleaf Whittier


"On Inclusion, Part I" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, February 9, 2025

Prelude  ---------------------

- “Swimming to the Other Side”

- By Pat Humphries

- Jennifer Richard, vocals and guitar

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”

- Words ad. From Rumi, 

- Music by Lynn Adair Ungar

Song ---------------------

- #1023 “Building Bridges”

- Words: The women of Greenham Common peace occupation in England, 1983

- Music: Contemporary English Quaker chant

Offering Music  ---------------------

- “All Ye Refugees”

- Jenn Richard, guitar and vocals

- by Sandra McCracken

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #155 “Circle Round for Freedom”

- By Linda Hirschhorn


"On Inclusion, Part II" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, February 16, 2025

Prelude ---------------------

- "Swimming to the Other Side"

- By Pat Humphries

- Jennifer Richard, vocals and guitar

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #1023 "Building Bridges"

- Words: The women of Greenham Common peace occupation in England, 1983

- Music: Contemporary English Quaker chant

Responsive Hymn ---------------------

- "What is this Church?"

- words adapted from Eugene Sander

- Music by Jean Sibelius

Offering Music ---------------------

- "All Ye Refugees"

- Jenn Richard, guitar and vocals

- By Sandra McCracken

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #323 "Break Not the Circle"

- Music by Fred Kaan

- Words by Tom Benjamin


"Inclusion and Exclusion" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, February 23, 2025

Prelude ---------------------

-  “All Are Welcome Here”

- Improvisation by Mary Bopp

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #188 "Come, Come Whoever You Are"

- Words by Rumi and Music by Noah Anderson

Offertory Music ---------------------

- “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?”

- Composed by E. Y. Warburg and Jay Gomey

- Will Alexson, vocals

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- "Loving Kindness"

- #1031 in

- Words: Traditional Buddhist Meditation

- Music: Ian W. Riddell


"Strengthening Our Connections" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, March 2, 2025

Prelude  ---------------------

- "Three Little Birds"

- by Bob Marley and the Wailers

- Kate Howard-Bender, guitar and vocals

Opening Hymn     ---------------------

- #1 “May Nothing Evil Cross This Door”

- Words by Louis Untermeyer

- Music by Robert N. Quaile

Responsive Hymn ---------------------

- “This Meeting House”

- words adapted from Eugene Sander by Josh Pawelek

- Music by Jean Sibelius 

Offering Music  ---------------------

- “Finale” from

- by Richard Rodney Bennett

- Dorothy Bognar, Mary Bopp, pianos

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #323 “Break Not the Circle” 

- Music by Fred Kaan

- Words by Tom Benjamin


"Trust in Action" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, March 9, 2025

Prelude ---------------------

- "I Know This Rose Will Open"

- Meditation by Mary Bopp

Opening Hymn ---------------------


- #131 “Love Will Guide Us”

- Words: Sally Rogers

- arr. by Betty A Wylder



Offering Music ---------------------

- “Spirit of Life” 

-      Love offering by Mary Bopp


Closing Hymn          ---------------------

- #396 “I Know This Rose Will Open”

- Words and Music: Mary E. Grigolia




"How's Your Rhythm Section?" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, March 16, 2025

Gathering Music ---------------------

- Performer: Meetinghouse

Prelude ---------------------

- "Find Your People"

- By Drew Holcomb

- Performer: Meetinghouse

Opening Song ---------------------

- #1009 "Meditation on Breathing"

- By Sarah Dann Jones

Musical Response ---------------------

- "Find Your People" reprise

- By Drew Holcomb

- Performer: Meetinghouse

Musical Response ---------------------

- "Find Your People" reprise

- By Drew Holcomb

- Performer: Meetinghouse

Offering Music ---------------------

- "Forgiveness"

- By Patty Griffin

- Performer: Meetinghouse

Closing Song ---------------------

- "Give Me Love"

- By George Harrison

- Performer: Meetinghouse


"Love Will Guide Us Through the Hard Night" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, March 23, 2025

Opening Hymn ---------------------

- #131 “Love Will Guide Us”

- Words by Sally Rogers

- Music: traditional, arr. By Betty A. Wylder

Offering Music ---------------------

- “Love’s in Need of Love Today” 

- By Stevie Wonder

- Will Alexon, vocals

Closing Hymn ---------------------

- #34 “Though I May Speak With Bravest Fire”

- Words by Hal Hopson

- Music traditional English melody, arr. By Hal Hopson

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