Hi, all,
I, as a member of the UUSE Constitutional Changes Task Force, am reaching out to you to seek feedback from committees and leaders whose roles and work would be impacted by proposed changes. The proposed changes might not affect your committee, but we are reaching out to all committees. Attached is the document presented at the May 2024 meeting with the side-by-side comparisons of the current constitution and the proposed changes. Please be aware that this task force is NOT tasked to consider any of the UUA language or changes; changes related to our UUA relationship will be direc
ted by the findings of the discernment process.
I need to hear back from you by October 1, so that we can assign a member of the committee to call you before our next meeting date of October 8.
If we have already heard about all your committee’s concerns, let us know you don’t need a call. We think that some of the proposed changes are not controversial but want to make sure we have heard from everyone who has/had concerns.
Please respond to this email by October 1, Tuesday, with either "my committee has no concerns" or "I would like to be contacted by a member of the committee."
Thank you.
Laurie Mazich Semprebon
Thank you to the committee for the work you're doing. I don't have an official role on a committee that warrants my official response about the changes, but I would like to say that the ever evolving side-by-side comparison is confusing and much too hard to follow. It includes some color coding (?) and all the "UUA changes or language" (some are yellow, the last one is not), and the far right columns with the old point/counterpoint comments, etc. Maybe this version is just for committee folks to review, but the congregation will need something much clearer if they are expected to understand the proposed changes. Again, thank you for all you're doing. I would be glad to discuss my concerns further in person or by phone if you wish.