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eBlast for July 10th

Book Lovers

Book Lovers meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Children's Chapel at UUSE and via Zoom. Everyone is welcome, even if you haven't finished reading ...

Equal Exchange Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate

Stop by our table this Sunday after the 10:00 A.M. service for all your favorites while also supporting small farmers who grow their products in a more sustainable way!...

Interested in Part Time Work?

Do you like to clean? Have a few hours to spare twice a month? Kristen Dockendorff is looking for someone to do cleaning in her apartment, responsibilities and pay to be determined...

Newsletter Correction

Please note there was an error in the Sunday Service Committee newsletter schedule for July 28th, "Spinoza's God: Wisdom from the 1600's." The presenter for this service is Malcolm...

Jul 14th Service - Principles and Values: Reflections on Article 2

Meeting Minutes to Review

The draft minutes from UUSE's May 19, 2024 Annual Meeting can be accessed using the link below. There are also some hard copies available in the UUSE lobby. If you have any comment...

Yoga at the Meetinghouse Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.

All are welcome to these gentle-to-moderate yoga classes for all abilities. $5 drop-in fee. Bring a yoga mat (we have some extras). Bring a friend! Questions to: Susan at SBarlow62...

Buddhist Group

The UUSE Buddhist Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are on Zoom only. All are welcome for meditation and discussion of a Buddhist perspective on ...

No Humanist Group this Month

This ongoing group explores Religious Humanism and its applications to life, both historically and today. The Humanist group resumes in September. Join us via Zoom: ht...

Let Us All Sing!

Our last Hymn Sing was before Covid and it's time to sing again. The July 21 service will include lots of singing, and some talking. If you would like to participate in the service...

Bring a book, take a book, talk about books

The Membership committee invites you to visit the book cart in the UUSE lobby after all Sunday services throughout the summer. Do you have some books you can bring to share? You ca...

No God Talk this Month

This discussion group for UU Theists explores how UUs can name and experience God in meaningful, useful ways. God Talk resumes in August. Click here for the Zoom li...

An image that provides a link to the office calendar.
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