UUSE is all about community and connections. Whether it's birds of a feather affinity groups, pastoral care, small group ministry, committee work, or if you just want to come for a visit, our connections pages can tell you all you need to know about UUSE

FACEBOOK! UUSE has two Facebook pages where members and friends can share all things UUSE. Our main site is You can find out what’s going on at UUSE here. And please share our events to your own page to help spread the word about all of the great things we do!
We also have a second site, UUSE Happenings, designed specifically to share ideas and events with others in the UUSE community. Anyone can post here. Is your child going to be in a play? Are you performing a concert? Looking for people to hike with? Post it here! This is a closed group, request to join here:
MEETUP: We have a Meetup page! Join our group! Find events, RSVP and more at: If you’d like to add an event to the Meetup site, contact Carol Marion at or use our Publicity Form.
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