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2025-26 Annual Appeal

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Our theme for this year’s Annual Appeal is “Strengthen Our Connections.” This idea is especially important this year in the swirl of unrest here and around the world. We are grateful for our community of faith where we are free to express our thoughts and feelings without fear of reprisal. We are grateful for our faith partners in the quest for a more just and caring world.


Our current fiscal year (FY25) has been rich with new beginnings and a wide variety of church and community events.  Below are some of the highlights for this year:


  • All the new members that have joined our communty!  There were 17 in 2024 and so far, there are 7-8 in 2025.

  • Our strong, ongoing commitment to participation in local and statewide community social justice events and coalitions. This year 65 UUSE members attended the GHIAA Power Summit. Members also have opportunities to learn how to support immigrants through court accompaniment and other means. 

  • The excellent work of our UUA Discernment and Constitutional Change Task Forces

  • Adding the “Time for All Ages” discussion with the children to Sunday Services

  • The ongoing success of our fund raisers and the wonderful connections they build among us

  • A wide variety of musical events that attract new talent and people from outside of our church.

  • Our ongoing support for Verplank Elementary School; 11 members are tutors


The current fiscal year 24-25 is an unusual year for UUSE from a financial perspective.  Due to a combination of member financial challenges and concerns about the UUA this year, our income declined for the first time in many years. At the same time, the church expenses increased significantly. HR was especially impacted by a $~20,000 increase in healthcare premium and other benefit expenses.  The FY25 budget gap between income and expenses was covered with reserves and pledge grant income.   When we cover a gap with non-repetitive income sources, then the next year we face a similar gap again.


The FY26 budget proposal is broadly based and includes participation from every sector of the budget to close the gap between income and expenses.  Here are the highlights:

  • A 4% increase in member pledge income for this year

  • Deferral/expense cuts in staff salaries and benefits for this year

  • Committee expense cuts

  • Additional Reduction in UUA dues

  • An income contribution from reserves that can be repeated each year.

  • Removed contribution to Building Reserve to a separate project


This is a ‘bare bones’ budget.  If we can exceed the 4% rate, then we could eliminate the reductions in staff benefits.  Additional income could also provide a cushion for pledge income lost during the year and unexpected expenses.  Are some of you able to exceed the 4% amount?  Below are some examples:

Annual Increase Monthly   Higher

Pledge Rate Increase   Increase

$1,000     4%       $3         $5

$3,000     4%     $10             $15 - $20

Please do not underestimate the significance of your contribution.  The aggregate of many contributions is what makes a church community work!


As many of you are aware, we need to establish a robust Building Reserve that will enable the church to have sufficient funds for repair and replacement of B&G assets.  The level of funding required exceeds what can be covered in an operating budget.  The Policy Board has some preliminary thoughts about how to build up the reserve and will make proposals to the congregation as their ideas become more concrete. 


You can send your pledge directly to the church office or attend a fun potluck and fill out the forms there.   If the church office has not received your pledge by March 17, a steward will contact you to see if they can provide assistance.  As always, we are deeply grateful for your generous giving.  We are all stewards of Unitarian Universalist Society East. 


 If you have any questions, you can contact any one of us on the Stewardship Committee.  


Yours in Spirit,

Patricia Wildes, Louisa Graver, Larry Lunden, Stan McMillen, Phil Sawyer

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