Affinity Groups
They say birds of a feather flock together. Our affinity groups are where like-minded individuals meet on a monthly basis to discuss books, art, religion and other ideas.
Contact the office for details
phone: 860.646.5151
Always check the Upcoming Events Calendar for up-to-date weekly information and cancelations.
Adult Affirmation
3rd Sundays
The class will meet on the 3rd Sunday from 1:00 to 2:30 pm each month until May. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the theological and spiritual quesetions related to God, humanity and human nature, the earth, the role of the individual in community, and social and environmental justice engagement. Participants will also craft a credo--a statement of their personal theology. Want to sign up? Contact our office at or (860) 646-5151. Questions? Contact Rev. Josh.
Book Lovers
2nd Tuesdays
3:30 to 5:30 PM
The Book Lovers meet in person and simultaneously on Zoom every second Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. You are welcome even if you haven’t finished the book. The link is sent out the weekend before by Carolyn Gimbrone.
Buddhist Group
1st Tuesdays
7:00 PM
The Buddhist Group meets at 7 PM on Zoom the first Tuesday of the month for meditation and discussion of a Buddhist perspective on the monthly ministry theme. Email Nancy Thompson at for details or the Zoom link.
God Talk
4th Tuesdays
4:30 PM
A discussion group for UU theists
4th Tuesdays at 4:30 PM
This ongoing group explores how UUs can name and experience God in meaningful, useful ways. All are welcome. Contact Rev. Josh at for the Zoom link.
Humanist Group
3rd Tuesdays
4:30 PM
3rd Tuesdays at 4:30 PM
This ongoing group explores Religious Humanism and its applications to life, both historically and today. All welcome. Contact Rev. Josh at for the Zoom link.
Pagan Group
Welcoming all paths. Ceremonies include but are not limited to: Summer and Winter Solstices, Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, Beltane (May Day), Imbolc, Litha, Lughnasa, and others as inspired. Contact Rev. Josh for details.
Science and Religion Discussion Group
4th Thursdays
4:30 PM
Climate Migration
Where do science and religion meet? Where are they in opposition?
January 23 at 4:30 in the Chapel and on Zoom. We'll pick discussion topics and coordinators for the upcoming year. Come with your always fascinating ideas! Contact Linda Duncan for the Zoom link.
Women’s Circle
3rd Tuesdays 7:00 PM
Zoom Only
Women’s Circle with Nora Alpers-Leon
Third Tuesdays at 7:00
Zoom Only December-March
Contact for zoom link
Nora describes this women’s circle as a “judgment-free comfort zone.” She invites participants to “sit, connect and share.” Bring a journal and a pen and a cushion or mat to sit on if you prefer that to a chair.
Nora Mijares Alpers-Leon is an indigenous (Colombian) mother, developmental psycholinguist and educator, who has a background in dance, yoga, and mindfulness. She completed 2 bachelor and 2 master degrees and a graduate certificate between UW-Madison and UConn. She did her Yoga Teacher Training in the Berkshires, and has led mindfulness workshops and talking circles in the United States and Colombia with both adults and children.
To sign up for this circle, or if you want more information, contact Nora.